This is an era of information superhighway where data, information, graphics and sound can travel in a course of some seconds between even two distant places. This happens due to the information technology that has immense power as it can transmit, manipulate, store, read, retrieve and study the data by the employment of an application in computers. Every passing year is unfolding phenomenal extensions of this digital space. Today, one can not imagine doing any task without the support and utilization of this digital technology as information technology is indispensible for the development of any nation state.
British International Academy provides Microsoft Technical Courses in the pioneering areas of Azure, Dynamic CRM, Exchange, Windows, visual studio and so on. The vendor certifications play a significant role in Microsoft Industry as they enhance the proficiency of Microsoft aspirants and professionals. As the change in information technology is at a fast rate, the Microsoft professional has to have mastery over every tool and technology, and a mature training helps him to have a command over this change.
The Microsoft Courses offered by British International Academy are:

  • Azure
  • Dynamic CRM
  • Exchange
  • Skype For Business
  • Share Point
  • SQL Server
  • System Center
  • Visual Studio
  • Windows Server
  • Windows

Microsoft Azure

Dynamic CRM

Microsoft Exchange

Skype For Business

Microsoft Share Point

Microsoft SQL Server

Visual Studio

System Center

Windows Server